Planning for the Future – In life and business over the last decade, change has been a constant. Furthermore it is accelerating as new technology is adopted. Your future success will depend on how creative you are, as an individual or a business, plus your ability to implement this creativity through strong communication skills and training, then leveraging changes with networking and sales.
The following workshops are limited to sixteen participants. The focus is on you, working interactively with your material and needs.
Creativity Workshops – 4hrs

A Creative Compulsion – Are you struggling to come up with creative outcomes? Is it affecting your career or business? In a fast changing world your grasp of creativity is critical.
You can be trained to be more creative. In this workshop you will learn about your brain’s creativity triggers, and how you can boost your creative ability. This workshop is applicable for anyone who would like to be more creative in business, the arts or just in their daily life. More information.
Business Innovation Transformation – Creating a culture of creativity in your organisation can be a minefield. It sounds easy, but you need a sound strategy for implementation and oversight.
Businesses must be creative to prosper in this fast changing world. Creativity can be part of a businesses culture, empowering employees while reducing the load of management and supervisors. This workshop is for those wishing to incorporate creativity into their business culture. It builds on the skills of Cheeky Creativity. More Information.
Effective Training – 4hrs

Training without Pain – Having efficient motivating trainers is vital. Your organisation needs to accommodate the change that is happening in the business environment daily.
Training is a vital part of any business, big or small. The information you deliver must stick, it must be memorable and the participants must enjoy the experience. This workshop will sharpen the delivery skills of trainers and those wanting to be trainers. More Information.
Networking – 4 hrs

Networking with Zing – Face-to-face communication is six times more effective than any other form of communication. Do you or your staff struggle, building your networks quickly with networking?
Networking is a vital part of building long term income through broadening the network of your business associates. Networking is building relationships, and uncovering common ground with those you meet. A foundation skill for all business people. More Information.
Sales Training – 4hrs

Crocodile Sales – Are your sales team building strong relationships with your clients? Effective sales strategies and gratified clients are a must for ongoing profitability.
Learn how to stalk your market with the skills and tenacity of a crocodile. Take a bigger bite of the market and increase your sales revenue fast. Sales are a vital part of any business and this workshop is ideal for members of sales teams or for small business owners. More Information